- Management Team

A graduate in Economics from Hindu College, Delhi University, and an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, Harsh began his career with PepsiCo India. He subsequently moved to the television broadcast domain where he spent 7 years with Star across different markets and functional roles, including programming, marketing and general management. He was one of the founding team members at NDTV Imagine, and served in various senior capacities until end 2011, post which he set up an entrepreneurial venture in the digital content space that he continues to be involved with. His expertise lies in the domains of Broadcast and Digital Media, Business Strategy and Marketing, with more than 14 years of experience across programming, business operations, revenue management and general management at senior positions in the broadcast industry. At Qube Cinema, Harsh is based in Mumbai, and spearheads the national digital cinema roll out initiatives. His mandate also includes assisting the company in evolving business ideas and strategies for newer service offerings and interacting with the industry to enable opening doors for such potential business opportunities as the company may choose to pursue in the ever changing cinema business environment.